Doggy dog world

By Maude - 20/11/2020 05:03 - Canada - Beauharnois

Today, I was going for a relaxing walk but my dog broke free from his leash. At the same time, my 80 year-old neighbor was leaving her apartment. My dog ran inside her home and she screamed. I ended up in her bedroom, running around her bed, chasing my dog who was trying to get at her pantyhose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 740
You deserved it 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is FML for your neighbour. You should prevent these situations by training your dog.

When you say "dog," do you really mean "husband with an old-lady fetish?"


When you say "dog," do you really mean "husband with an old-lady fetish?"

and apperently likes to take walk around on a leash, some kinky stuff going on

This is FML for your neighbour. You should prevent these situations by training your dog.

most excitement the old broad had in years! be glad you get and gave an awesome story