Anerrhíphthō kýbos

By AllGreekToMe - 02/02/2022 14:01 - United States - Bloomington

Today, when I selected my classes last semester, I could have taken my required-to-graduate foreign language classes on something doable like Spanish. Instead, not knowing what I was getting into, I selected Classical Greek. It's too late to change my language and my uninformed choice is going to cost me my degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 342
You deserved it 1 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randybryant799 20
Marcella1016 31

Is it really that hard? It’s the it basically just learning conjugation and memorizing words? Or do you need to learn the Greek alphabet too? That sucks but it’s not *that* different from the standard alphabet, unlike, say, Japanese. Study hard and get that degree. Talk to the teacher. Join a study group. You can do it!


randybryant799 20
Marcella1016 31

Is it really that hard? It’s the it basically just learning conjugation and memorizing words? Or do you need to learn the Greek alphabet too? That sucks but it’s not *that* different from the standard alphabet, unlike, say, Japanese. Study hard and get that degree. Talk to the teacher. Join a study group. You can do it!

It's the grammar that's hard. Classic greek has cases which don't exist in modern languages. And most texts are complicated because it's a dead language. To OP : Good luck anyway. Grammar and alphabet learning are the most important. The beginning sucks, but if you double down and dedicate half an hour each day to learning the grammar it should be doable. And keep in mind that you don't need to be conversational. In dead languages it's perfectly normal to take a few minutes to decipher a sentence.

sooooo what you're saying is now you have to actually have to study. hell,I learned Greek just bartending at a Greek restaurant. the Latino bartenders even spoke fluently.

Nhayaa2.0 17

Classical greek is not the one people actually speak. It's like learning a very literary form of it. Some would say "old", even if we know now that in ancient times they also had an everyday language.

rotflqtms_ 21

You'll just have to take another semester then. It won't be the end of the world, and you won't lose your chance at getting your degree. I worked and went to school part time. I took many classes I didn't need and it didn't stop me from getting my degrees. I wish I got to stay longer just so I could learn Japanese there rather than on my own as I am now. I instead learned French and Spanish (which would have been a lot easier on my own than Japanese is, though Japanese is still doable with the right motivation. I already learned Hiragana and am now learning Katakana...haven't started Kanji yet though)