Someone's getting coal from Santa...

By Anonymous - 15/12/2017 15:00

Today, my nephew stabbed me in the knee with a colouring pencil. The hospital says he ripped a hole in a tendon and I need surgery to fix it or one day it'll snap. I’ll have a limp for the rest of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 973
You deserved it 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took a colouring pencil to the knee.

I do hope you didn't let him get away with that. Little sh*t.


exileonmainst 16

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took a colouring pencil to the knee.

Lobby_Bee 17

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The pen may be mightier than the sword, but we Pencils are sneaky bastards!

If his parents already bought him presents, I hope they sold them to cover some of the cost of the surgery. I know I would if he were my kid.

That must have been one hell of a sharp pencil!

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

It doesn't matter how old or young he is, MAKE HIS PARENTS HELP PAY! A child should know to NOT stab people with pencils, and one with enough strength to ruin a ligament is DEFINITELY old enough to know what's right and wrong. I hope that kid gets no presents for Christmas. Call me extreme, but a simple time-out or spanking isn't going to repair OP's lifelong limp. I hope you didn't want to participate in sports, OP, and I hope that you won't live in pain.

I totally agree! The kids parents need to help pay for medical bills. And if they refuse, in my opinion, take it to court!

Quid Pro Quo - stab the little bastard in the balls and give him a limp dick for the rest of his life

UOFreak07 8

As shitty as it is, I would sue the parents