The system is broke!

By ABD - 15/12/2017 01:30

Today, I found out that when I go on Medicare in January, one of my medicines will go from $45 per month to $3000 for the first month, then $425 per month for the rest of the year. I need this medicine to stay alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 477
You deserved it 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

Who the **** voted YDI for this one?!

ohsnapword 21

Welcome to America. Only place in the world where it is cheaper to die from a disease than it is to seek treatment. Gotta love the for-profit medical system here.


exileonmainst 16

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exileonmainst 16

That also happens to be the Republican health care reform in its entirety.

Oh, I thought it wasn't getting sick, and if you do, die quickly.

manb91uk 22

Who the **** voted YDI for this one?!

onceuponatime456 16
feckarsedrink 9

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It's reality for a lot of people! My father has stage 4 cancer and he needs a lot of medication. There was one medication his insurance wouldn't cover and it cost almost $700. Don't be so ignorant people, unfortunately our county cares more about money than about people's lives. There's people that die because they can't afford insulin or cancer treatment or other life necessary medications. It's so sad

gregjohnson298 8

who ever did deserves a boot to the face

You don't need insulin injections I'm guessing. Go do some research.

People who think it’s fine for society to let poor people die. aka entitled pricks with no sense of decency.

sassylilsonia 8

I agree! What some cold hearted assholes!

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You do realize that a lot of his policies are still in effect and actually Medicare is one of them how about do some research before you comment.

Medicare has been around longer than the affordable health care act

damn. don't you have a Medicare Part B plan? :-(

ohsnapword 21

Welcome to America. Only place in the world where it is cheaper to die from a disease than it is to seek treatment. Gotta love the for-profit medical system here.

err... its always been cheaper to die from anything, most times its free of charge.

PenguinPal3017 19

Maybe where you live Sminty, but in my country they only let you die if you can afford the death fee. A homeless beggar in my town has been trying to save up enough money to die for nearly 250 years now.

Whatever it takes 5

the same shit in Russia, hate this country, but still living here and trying to go away from here... P.S. sorry 4 my great english

onceuponatime456 16

You can thank Trump and his supporters for that!

EnvyMe33 26

So did you like Obamacare? It doesn’t matter what president, we have, they all screw everyone when it comes to health benefits. So blaming just Trump is pretty stupid.

Um... this was a problem long before Trump.

talal_icon 19

Oh, so you're saying that Trump isn't trying to change it? Also, if this was Obama's fault his needs would be $3000 already is

Trump hasn't done anything to raise medical cost..........YET.

I hate insurance companies! They know they are doing this to people, but no cares given! See if the pharmacy will offer it cheaper without insurance- that’s sometimes better. Also, if it is a brand name... contact the company & let them know what’s going on. They also offer major discounts to those without insurance. Lastly, contact your DR & see if he can change your moods to a cheaper alternative. Shalom.

It may be, but many are dying from lack of care. It’s terrible for older people on limited incomes. Having worked in healthcare many years, I know how bad it can get. We need to do better as a society to take care of our own.

Yeah... contacting the company does not work. They told me that if I can't afford it, then I should try to get on cobra. Obviously I could not afford that either otherwise I would not have been trying.

readingrachel 9

You can call your doctor to see if there is a cheaper medicine or a generic they can prescribe you. You can also talk to the pharmacy about anything they can do to reduce the cost. Also contact your regular doctor to see if they can give you like a 3 month prescription to save you money

thatslifeiguess7 16

Try Costco. Also contact the pharmaceutical companies and see what you can do