Smoking is so cool

By Burnt - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I accidentally set my hair on fire while lighting a cigarette. I panicked and put it out by slapping myself in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 896
You deserved it 61 515

Same thing different taste


I have done this as have some of my friends its quite funny but u feel incredibly stupid afterwards.

Dra1234 0

that is a sign its time to quit

I know how you can stop this, don't be a dumbass and smoke

why the hell are you smoking in the first place?

You see? there are new dangers of smoking found every day.

uaintgotnostylem 6
Asuna_fml 0

I've done that before. lol As a smoker, I have to have respect for the non-smokers. I only wish the non-smokers had respect for my choice. It's not like I'm blowing smoke right in your face. Would you rather inhale gas exhaust or my cigarette? Neither one, I presume. ;)