Smoking is so cool

By Burnt - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I accidentally set my hair on fire while lighting a cigarette. I panicked and put it out by slapping myself in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 896
You deserved it 61 514

Same thing different taste


wickedlyevil96 0

u shouldnt even be smoking. ur gonna die tomorrow. karma's a bitch but it gives people like u what they deserve. i bet ur 30 and already have wrinkles. i wish u had burned. not like u need me to do that. ur already doing it to urself. slowly. let's see, u can't do sports so ur probably obese, u look 20 yrs older than u really are and u smell like shit. just stop smoking and get a life. oh wait u cant. ur too late. ur gonna die tomorrow.

Loaffer 2

see smoking hurts XP or just go bald now, this will help 2 times 1 it won't catch on fire again and 2 it won't look as patchy when you start kehmo

Don't joke about chemo. I just lost my grandma. She had lung cancer. She never smoked.

ok so heres what i gotta say about this FML 1- guys we get it you think this person deserves it for smoking. thats there choice they know there killing themselves. there own life choices. 2- please stop repeating the same thing as everyone else. 3- maybe you should switch conditioner 4- haha. i giggled

Haha. The same thing happened to my friend yesterday, after we put it out he had to get a haircut.

don't worry I was high one day and burnt all my nose hair lighting a cigg

laurahill548 0

That's why u don't smoke air polluter

jbcrazy 6

see that's what u get for smoking, it's obvioulsy a sign that u should quit

cadreychasd 6

didn't the government warn you that smoking is dangerous?

sephoraprincess 7