
By Katsuria - 25/07/2020 14:01

Today, my mother disowned me because I wouldn’t fill out her visa application for France so that she can see her boyfriend. The reason why I refused was because my husband and I are on our honeymoon, and would like to spend some time together. I guess that makes me a “useless” daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 567
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A) She couldn't fill out her own application? B) Even if she couldn't fill it out, she couldn't wait?

why can't she do it herself? why can't she wait? why can't b/f do it for her?


A) She couldn't fill out her own application? B) Even if she couldn't fill it out, she couldn't wait?

Well, since you're getting laid, why should you care that your mom isn't? Real nice.

why can't she do it herself? why can't she wait? why can't b/f do it for her?

It might be time for mom to grow up and take responsibility for her own crap. I would be tempted not to do it at all because of being "disowned" if I were you.

Why not just do it? How long could it possible take.

diraven 15

Shouldn't have taken your mom along on your honeymoon, apparently

I hope you chose to go no contact from her.