Alexa, play "Australia" by Manic Street Preachers

By Anonymous - 27/04/2023 15:00

Today, I was offered an incredible career opportunity in Australia, so I’d have to emigrate. It has an unbelievable pay rise too, but my husband has so many phobias of spiders, snakes, and so on, that he’s threatening to divorce me if I go, because he isn’t setting foot in Australia even to visit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 904
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

G'day, mate! Get a new mate in Australia.

Viscerion 11

This is the best country in the world. Don't worry about spiders and snakes... just be on the guard for drop bears. They are the real enemy. Just kidding.... Australia's beautiful and you're more likely to get shot in the U.S then get bitten by a spider or snake in Australia.


G'day, mate! Get a new mate in Australia.

Negotiate with your current job for similar pay and responsibilities.

While negotiating for a better job where you are might seem the best possible option - It’s not always a viable option. No workplace is going to hire or promote someone to a position that they don’t currently need. That puts hard limits on what is achievable. It all depends on the circumstances…

There sometimes comes a time in the life of a career oriented person when you face hard choices between family and spouse verses career opportunities. While we would want our spouse to be open to new possibilities and hopefully better educated on actual life elsewhere, some people are seemingly hopelessly stuck in certain familiar environments. This was the way my first wife was. We discussed each new move and I thought I had her buy-in. But every time after moving she would eventually complain about wherever we lived. Eventually we got divorced (not over this subject) and she moved back to her home town and to this day many years later still lives in the same city she grew up in… I am an engineer and there tend to be certain cities and areas where the better jobs are located. And sometimes after a few years things dry up where you work and you have to move elsewhere or accept significant limits to your career… OP, I do understand the dilemma you face. There is no one answer. Everyone has the choice to make sometimes between career opportunity and personal life. If your personal life and relationship is otherwise good then maybe this isn’t the best choice for you at this time. If your relationship is problematic or broken then this might be what you need. No one but you can make that choice.

Are there not spiders and whatnot where you currently live?

Viscerion 11

This is the best country in the world. Don't worry about spiders and snakes... just be on the guard for drop bears. They are the real enemy. Just kidding.... Australia's beautiful and you're more likely to get shot in the U.S then get bitten by a spider or snake in Australia.

tiptoppc 19

Yeah. It’s Brazil you gotta stay away from. I hear the wandering spiders are pretty freaky. They like to give you boners so hard, it kills you!

Nikki 17

A spider hasn’t killed anyone here since 1979 and in my 28 years here I’ve only seen a handful of snakes. The other comment is right, there’s been more shooting deaths in the US this year than the number of spiders I’ve seen

If you decide to go, tell him "fine, have a nice life," then take half of everything in the divorce and be happy in Australia.

I get his 'hell no' about Australian wildlife. I'm not particularly comfortable just sharing a planet with the place. Having said that, I'm not happy about sharing the planet with the wildlife in the Everglades or Amazon rainforest either. Or Asia for that matter. But to flat out nuke what sounds like a lottery win opportunity of a lifetime? If my other half came to me saying this? I'd at least actually discuss it, Google what the area you'd be in is really like rather than just believing the internet, which tends to show the worst and most 😱 of things. Maybe it's time you have a cold, brutal look at your relationship and weigh up whether it's worth keeping or taking that plane ticket to a vastly better life? Chances are that you'd find a much better husband out there as well...

I mean, spiders in Australia can be as big as a person's head, or so I've read lol. So his phobia is justified! And moving to another country is a big step, much bigger than moving to a different state. It's definitely something you'd need to have a serious discussion about.