
By Anonymous - 27/03/2021 02:01

Today, I overheard my caucasian mother on the phone lamenting to a friend that her future grandchildren won’t “look American”. Any future grandchildren of hers would be half Lakota native. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 214
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrSamba1 8

Racism is ****** up in all cases, but especially directed at one's own family.

I would have walked in said too bad you won't see them. My sister her mom is ridiculous about her granddaughter and great grandchildren. Who are from a mixed mom my sister is Romani and black, married a Filipino and had a daughter who was with a Japanese guy. They had two daughters. My niece barley speaks to her grandmother


DrSamba1 8

Racism is ****** up in all cases, but especially directed at one's own family.

I would have walked in said too bad you won't see them. My sister her mom is ridiculous about her granddaughter and great grandchildren. Who are from a mixed mom my sister is Romani and black, married a Filipino and had a daughter who was with a Japanese guy. They had two daughters. My niece barley speaks to her grandmother

mando 10

Raising your children is so much more important than what a racist grandmother thinks. They are better off without that attitude in their life.

tounces7 27

America is the biggest ethnic/racial melting pot in the entire world. Being mixed is pretty much about as "American" as one can look.(Disregarding the obvious fact that Lakota is also a native american tribe)

Nhayaa2.0 17

Technically, Native americans are the only "true" north americans if we speak in term of continent. "White" americans are europeans.

I imagine she'll get over it. It's got to be kind of weird though, up until this point I bet her whole lineage was Western European and going forward her grandkids won't have that identity. From here on out they'll be checking the minority box on applications, and her families history will be marginalized. Hopefully she's able to see it from the Lakota perspective, eventually. Best of luck.

So they'll look half American, half European. Does she expect you to be able to change your DNA so you're native American as well? Seriously though, tell her to shut her racist mouth, or she'll never know what her grandkids look like.

kristinagir 11

How more American does she want her grandchildren to be?

mando 10

If she wants a relationship with her grandkids, she's obviously got to get over it. What counts is that your children and grandchildren are happy and healthy.