Sips unsee juice

By Facepalm2020 - 21/06/2020 23:01

Today, my mom asked me what twerking was. When I said that it was a club dance, trying to get out of telling her what it actually was, she begged me to teach her how to do it. My mom complained to my dad, who grounded me for not teaching her to twerk her ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 578
You deserved it 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give her a link to a video of twerking, especially Miley Cyrus. She'll never ask you anything again!

Show her a YouTube video of people twerking. She’ll either love it or hate it.


Give her a link to a video of twerking, especially Miley Cyrus. She'll never ask you anything again!

Show her a YouTube video of people twerking. She’ll either love it or hate it.

Don't forget to film her movements when you teach her how to twerk. You know, for educational purpose.

jfigley 5

Thats kinda funny. Should have just told her to look it up on YouTube

How old are you? Under 18, tell dad you don't know what that is. Over 18, he can't ground you.

Tell her to Google it like a normal person.

randybryant799 20

I don't understand why you didn't just tell her what it was? That's ridiculous.