Silver lining

By Beeky - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Helena

Today, I was excited to receive a rejection letter, because this was the first company to even acknowledge that I sent them a resume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 419
You deserved it 3 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's tough trying to find a job right now. My girlfriend has been looking for 2 years and no one in her field will hire her.

My general rule for those situations (granted I don't know how badly your girlfriend needs a job/money in your situation) is if you can't find one in your field you should cut your loses and try a minimum wage job until something in your field becomes available. Better to have a low paying job than no job at all


I feel your pain. My only consolation is I have a job--even if I'm hit with soul-crushing depression within minutes of turning on my computer.

Been there. You have my sympathies.

Join the club; we've got jackets. Or at least we would, if we had jobs to pay for them.

You'll get used to it. When job seeking I got an average return of about 1%, as in about 1% of the resumes/ applications sent would get some kind of response.

I've done the same cause you wonder of its even looked at

Everything will work out in the end, OP. Stay positive!

I hate it when people use ignoring as a form of communication

FYL OP. But glad your staying optimistic about it all. I'm sure you will get a job soon