Run away

By Workb - 26/11/2022 02:00

Today, as punishment for going through my boyfriend’s phone and finding evidence of him cheating, he dropped me off at the gym and made me stay there for an hour to workout. As soon as I get to a “desirable physique” he’ll dump the other woman. If I don’t do it, he’ll kick me out of our apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 219
You deserved it 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wellfuckmeiguess 1

LEAVE HIM- thats so manipulative and toxic- leave him so quickly for your safety please

1st off, you are desirable to someone. so take this as intended. Revenge physique... Do it, show him how hot you can be just to leave him when he thinks he wants you again. In the mean time, find your own apartment. Likely with one of the guys from the gym that will gladly kick the current guys butt just because he didn't respect you from the start. And, he won't change. He will continue being manipulating and controlling to go with his cheating. So get away from that.


wellfuckmeiguess 1

LEAVE HIM- thats so manipulative and toxic- leave him so quickly for your safety please

1st off, you are desirable to someone. so take this as intended. Revenge physique... Do it, show him how hot you can be just to leave him when he thinks he wants you again. In the mean time, find your own apartment. Likely with one of the guys from the gym that will gladly kick the current guys butt just because he didn't respect you from the start. And, he won't change. He will continue being manipulating and controlling to go with his cheating. So get away from that.

Well, work out hard so you can win him back. You seem like an ideal couple that will share decades of wholesome love.

so make some phone calls, pack up and leave. the ****?

if you aren't already out the door with all your shit you're a dumbass and deserve it 100%

That's... emotional abuse. I know it'll be hard but if I were you I'd work on finding your own place to stay ASAP. He sounds like a selfish nut job.

Tisinlovewithme 2

you’re still calling that your boyfriend? wow you have a great self esteem—said no one ever.

The real FML here is you choosing to kowtow to his demands instead of packing up your stuff and kicking him in the nuts before you leave.

Sonotsuave 35

Lmao people really trying to get away with the absolute audacity and the impossible nowadays. Uh uh hell no. Your life has just become so much simpler—dump his ass & leave, he has some ******* nerve. Pack your shit and go stay with family or friends for the time being until you can get a new place

Please tell me you're not actually going through with this. He cheated once, so he'll do it again, and he's punishing YOU for it? I'm not condoning you looking through his phone, but what he's doing to you is completely unwarranted. Seriously, RUN.