Rubbing it in

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got an invitation to my ex-boyfriend's wedding. We broke up because he "didn't believe in marriage." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 865
You deserved it 4 871

Top comments


irishfever 0

Well he just doesn't believe in marriage with YOU... honestly, we should cut the guy some slack. This sounds like a more tactful way to break up with someone. He obviously didn't want to marry HER for some specific reason and instead of telling her and hurting her feelings, he gave her a reason she could understand and walk away from... though it was a bit rude to send an invite to his own real wedding... eh i'm mixed

What an arse. Telling someone he doesn't believe in marriage and sending her a wedding invitation. So sorry to hear this. FYL.

Halfpint29 0

I dont know why so many of you are telling this woman that he didnt want to marry that she should go try and be spiteful at his wedding. It should be the best day of his life, if youre so bitter about it still then stay the hell away from it, let the man and his wife to be enjoy their day.

FMLwrestler 0

...well, maybe he meant WITH YOU. sucks for you. YDI for not being a good enough girlfriend. lol

It's happening more and more these days.

obviously it was just an excuse or you weren't the one.

FYL, you'll find someone better; and maybe i think its just that your not good in bed;; men enjoy women who are good in bed xD

#14 Why is still having feelings for someone "clingy and desperate"? It's not like she's pining over him or chasing after him or anything. FYL for the slap in the face via wedding invite. That's not cool at all.

fretforyerlatte 0

it does suck for you, but i know a lot of guys (my own husband included) who didn't think they would ever want to get married or have children. once they meet the right person, their attitudes often change. so, it doesn't necessarily mean anything negative for you at all, except that you weren't that right one for him. the invite though, i would hope he was only trying to be nice. maybe he feels badly about how it ended with you and wants to try and remain friends. but, he probably should have thought that through a little better. or maybe he just invited you to be an asshole. who knows, really.