Rubbing it in

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got an invitation to my ex-boyfriend's wedding. We broke up because he "didn't believe in marriage." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 865
You deserved it 4 871

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peanut_gallery 2

FYL He's a jagoff for sending you an invite. He likely wanted to rub it in. Sorry. :(

rauj13 0

I don't believe in marriage, but if the woman I love wants to, I'll do it with a pre-nup.

blahblahlifesux 0

why is he inviting you to his wedding? if you two were still friends shouldn't you have known about it? that sucks though, he's an ass

May I recommend being a nun? It's not like you will lose your virginity anyways.

krisFrAnHeehar 0

#14, she's not desperate your just an ignorant asshole, go suck your dick Get back at him, tell his fiancee :P hehehe

probably she's pregnet and doesnt believe in abortion and bam he's forced into marriage. but i could be wrong just a guess. and hun you obv not ment for eachother

Christineiscool 0

You should crash the wedding :)

Show up at the wedding with Another HOT GIRL, Go up to him and thank him for making you realize you were gay, Tell him how hot you and your friend think the bride is, and then you and the other girl spend the rest of the time and reception Staring at her and licking your lips. Or just send the invitation back with the Words **** OFF written in Blood.

ouch. that sucks. #70, those are some immature solutions