Rubbing it in

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got an invitation to my ex-boyfriend's wedding. We broke up because he "didn't believe in marriage." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 865
You deserved it 4 871

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#30 It's clingy and desperate because presumably this has been a fair amount of time since they broke up. I suppose it's possible the guy went and married a chick after a few months, but that's unlikely. The fact that she cares this much about his invite shows that she still cares about him after a long period of time, which is clingy and desperate. She should get over him, there are plenty of guys out there. @#65 If you can explain to me how she isn't desperate that would be great. Thanks I will admit that I am making an assumption, but it's fairly reasonable. And if I'm wrong, so what? I don't care, it's some random anonymous story on the internet, I think I'll live. Maybe you should be the one sucking your own dick if you get so uptight about it.

sdawl 0

go to the wedding and **** it up tottaly "spill" punch on him

sdawl 0

go to the wedding and **** it up tottaly "spill" punch on him

Sorry too hear that better that heffa he with than u they prolly would be divorce in 3 years

"he didn't believe in marriage" translates into he didn't believe in marrying YOU. Sorry but you are better off not marrying someone you just isn't that into you.

tami1215 0

Celebrate that you didn't marry this douchbag. Go to the wedding, look GREAT, have a fabulous time, and he will always remember that while he's miserable and trapped in a dead end, loveless marriage. Seriously, enjoy and CHERISH your freedom.

spidergirl040812 0

I personally wouldn't go cuz cuz he's a ass n he probably just wants to rub it in I wouldn't adk him nething effin douche : /

Well I guess he just didn't like you enough.

FMLwrestler 0

Yo, I seriously have a question that demands answering: Why the hell are so many women making sarcastic comments like "he's a keeper." ???? Last time I CHECKED, whether or not the girl would "keep him" or not isn't relevant, because he dumped her ass to the curb ANYWAY! So sucks for her! hahahahaha