Quack science

By RyanJarmanForPresident - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I caught my teenage daughter smoking, and tried calmly explaining to her that it's quite bad for her health. She replied with, "It doesn't harm you if you're under 20." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 877
You deserved it 5 163

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*insert are you ******* kidding me meme*

randomthing 22


BoredomCentral 8

I think we can safely assume it has begun killing her brain cells.

To be fair, previous generations believed masturbating gave you hairy palms and made you go blind. Every generation is stupid in its own special way.

well according to the fletcher chart the damage to your lungs is neglicable if you start young a d quit young as well preferably before your 30's. Take that as you will, and the daughter probably wasn't thinking along those lines.

Epikouros 31

You're right, but let's not get the facts in the way of judging an irresponsible teenager.

Maybe she also thinks it will make her smokin' hot?

OP, since you're the mum, maybe do some decent parenting. You've obviously ****** up in some department.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Parents aren't 100% responsible for every stupid choice their children make. OP was decent enough to explain to her child that smoking is bad. Some perfectly good parents have shitty kids because, oddly enough, the kids are entirely different people and make their OWN choices. Once the umbilical cord is cut there's only so much a parent can control.

I disagree. I never smoked because my parents did a shit job. I did it because I was a stupid youngster and thought or would be fun.

xMissxMurderx 1

make her smoke a cigar and don't let her take it out of her mouth. she'll be extremely sick and will never smoke again.

carminecris89 13

94 That sounds kind of cruel and harsh. As a parent, you should give them the knowledge and tools to make the right decisions but bullying them and abusing them to make the right choices sounds wrong.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Wonder what else she's painfully ignorant about.

winkydog4056 16

What genius gave her this brilliant piece of information!? Better keep an eye on this smart one

naughtylez82 4

I was in the ER recently for bronchitis. The doc guaranteed I will get emphysema if I don't quit. I'm done with them. Have your daughter visit someone with emphysema. That should make her think twice

Or perhaps show her somebody with a trachea tube in their throat from throat cancer caused by smoking!