By earths_venus - 26/08/2010 12:49 - Australia

Today, I fell down a flight of stairs while delivering a pizza, and severely sprained my ankle. The guy looked at me lying there, and shut the door in my face. I then got told to "Suck it up, Princess" by my manager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 188
You deserved it 3 475

Earths_Venus tells us more.

Yeah I just got back from Emergency and I'll be off my feet for 2 days. My manager is a funny bastard, he heard me say that to someone else a few days before and decided to use it on me. He did end up helping me to my car and getting me an ice pack. No, I didn't get a tip from that asshole.

Top comments

ToxikFox 0


ToxikFox 0

I delivered to a house like that every week when I worked as a delivery driver...the worst time was when it was raining because the stairs were so slippery! I hope he still tipped you though...

samantha987 0

I recently sprained my ankle. IT SUCKS! I feel for you op

hahaha that really blows. you gotta stay on your feet son!

d3adb3for3d3ath 0

The guy you delivered to is a dick for not helping but WTF was your boss supposed to do? Give you the rest of the day off with pay?

I can't think of any situation where u would have to fall down stairs to deliver a pizza. sounds kinda odd.

chocolatedrop 0

damn. do you work for dominos? pizza hut would never hire a klutz like you

they probably lived in an appartment complex, or there couldve been a few stairs she tripped down

Actually, he should have filled out a workman's compensation claim and sent OP to the ER

No one seems bothered ny the "princess" part. I'd be creeped out if my manager ever called me a princess.

mattxhavoc 2

#39 is a bitch and has probably never had a job in her life. But, FYL OP. I deliver pizzas and most of the people are total assholes, including all my managers.

Technically yes, he should have had the rest of the day off with pay. However, that is only if he actually sprained his ankle and didn't just twist it.

geekemo92 0

51- it doesn't mean "princess" as in the pet name. It means princess as in "stop being a whiny, spoiled brat." More or less sarcasm.

jellyfish_735 0

haha damn that sucks maybe u should get a different job :p

twilighthater1 0

no offense but uh wow skillzz much?

Sun_Kissed18 25

It could have been raining or something, not their fault

rosieposie22 0

LAWSUIT!!!! Seriously at least get your asshole manager fired! That is sooooo sexual harassment.

Sue the pizza company, sue the customer, sue your manager, sue the stair manufacturer, SUE EVERYBODY! That's how we solve things in America!

foreverhappy98 10

How in the world is that sexual harassment?

NightSkyx 0

I'd pull a squidward and say "it's on the house!"

mintcar 9

I love pineapple but not on my pizza. And... I don't really like regular bacon ( weird, I know). I don't mind turkey bacon though.

Huh, the only time that I like pineapple is when it's on pizza :P.

ill, I bet you'd like grilled fresh pineapple, then. Grilling it takes away the acidic bite and brings out the sweetness. Yum!

how about we find something to eat not poisoned by pineapple

Yeah I just got back from Emergency and I'll be off my feet for 2 days. My manager is a funny bastard, he heard me say that to someone else a few days before and decided to use it on me. He did end up helping me to my car and getting me an ice pack. No, I didn't get a tip from that asshole.

I'm sorry! I miss my job :( the owner didnt know how to run the place so he sold it. $7.50 + tips was nice now I'm stuck in retail hell at minimum wage!