Liquid fun

By Anonymous - 16/08/2020 05:04

Today, after 25 years, I quit drinking. It wasn’t worth it. My life and everyone around me still sucked. So I started up again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 294
You deserved it 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it could be withdrawal making everything seem worse than it is. if it's not new relationships with better people can always be made, also there's great resources you can use to find new people going through similar experiences. AA, online communities if you don't want something in person yet, there's always the therapy route none of which you should feel bad about using. things like this will help you get ahead if you find what works for you, and yes sometimes that means breaking off negative relationships in your life

So basically what happened is through sobriety you were exposed to the fact that everyone around you sucks and with alcohol you’ve been numbing yourself to that fact for 25 years. And it seems that after seeing that fact you chose the solution was to go numb again instead of rising up, leaving/staying away from sucky people and you yourself focusing on being a better person.... ... Quitting alcohol isn’t about making everybody around you better, it’s about making YOU better. Putting the expectation In other people (to “not suck”) is always a recipe for disaster, it’s about finding strength in yourself (and yourself “not sucking” any Quitting alcohol isn’t about making everybody around you better, it’s about making you better. Putting the expectation In other people (to “not suck”) is always a recipe for disaster, it’s about finding strength in yourself (and yourself “not sucking” any longer.


This isn't the time to give up vices -- this is the time to pick up a few more.

Why the **** would you say that to an alcoholic trying to recover

it could be withdrawal making everything seem worse than it is. if it's not new relationships with better people can always be made, also there's great resources you can use to find new people going through similar experiences. AA, online communities if you don't want something in person yet, there's always the therapy route none of which you should feel bad about using. things like this will help you get ahead if you find what works for you, and yes sometimes that means breaking off negative relationships in your life

That is part of the path my friend. the bottle is just a quick escape. Look into AA, they do wonderful things

It doesn't sound like you really quit, more of just a pause.

So basically what happened is through sobriety you were exposed to the fact that everyone around you sucks and with alcohol you’ve been numbing yourself to that fact for 25 years. And it seems that after seeing that fact you chose the solution was to go numb again instead of rising up, leaving/staying away from sucky people and you yourself focusing on being a better person.... ... Quitting alcohol isn’t about making everybody around you better, it’s about making YOU better. Putting the expectation In other people (to “not suck”) is always a recipe for disaster, it’s about finding strength in yourself (and yourself “not sucking” any Quitting alcohol isn’t about making everybody around you better, it’s about making you better. Putting the expectation In other people (to “not suck”) is always a recipe for disaster, it’s about finding strength in yourself (and yourself “not sucking” any longer.

No offense, but alcohol doesn't make everyone and everything better. If the people in your life suck, just throw them away with the booze.

You need to do it for you, and you need to make your life better by taking that step! Don't reply on others for your happiness, especially when you've not experienced or delt with the world without drinking. Find people and help who aren't toxic. And I mean, this time currently in the world, everyone is dealing with a pandemic where they could be sick, restricted activities, lost their jobs. Literally bottom of the barrel. Not everyone is going to be a good influence right now, so try to look for someone who can help!