Pissed off

By lionhead14 - 20/05/2011 19:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up needing to wee. I was at my boyfriend's and didn't want to wake him, so I sat on the edge of the toilet and peed as quietly as possible. I realised after that I'd sat too far over and had peed on the floor. There was no loo paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 907
You deserved it 42 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does sitting on the edge making it more quiet?

KatrinaKitten 16

How about closing the door....


screw_this27 12

I think the words wee and loo paper are quite cute! Go London!

iCandy2011 1

You deserved it for sayin "wee" and "loo"

Twirdle 0

Guys, she's from the UK. Lay off, it's just how they speak.

"Loo paper" hah. I find it funny when people speak the same language but have different words for stuff.

I think peeing wouldnt waking him. If he dies wake up i think he would rather be woken up by the sound than learning that you peed on the floor

Can't you be consistent with your terms here? We're not all from the UK.

gators1995 30

YDI for using the word wee and loo

Nederlander95 14