By Danicole927 - 28/12/2016 03:53 - United States - Trenton

Today, I had a job interview with a world-renowned forensic psychologist, and it fits my degree perfectly. He didn't want to hire me, but he'd like me to return as a patient. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 981
You deserved it 752

Same thing different taste

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"Did I get the job" "Well, no, but we should schedule an appointment " "Like a second interview?" "No, so I can analyze you, diagnose you."

So I can put this on my resume as an internship, right ?


So I can put this on my resume as an internship, right ?

"Did I get the job" "Well, no, but we should schedule an appointment " "Like a second interview?" "No, so I can analyze you, diagnose you."

OOOH! A new test subject! Don't worry, you'll be fine! I know a ton of people who have been in similar situations, and they ended up just fine! Well... Most of them!

bsshooter 14

Your profile picture makes the comment a million times better

Free? Go for it. A chance to see him at work (obviously not the way you wanted) and an oppurtunity to see from the patients eyes.