Strange kind of ****

By Jeanine - 13/05/2021 20:01

Today, I had to admit to myself that recently my biggest kink was watching Sam Seder debate libertarians. My oh my, watching him dunk on them on YouTube gets me hot and bothered. This feels wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 395
You deserved it 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bleachedraven 14

see...this is one of the reasons I enjoy fmls so much.

Jon Tessler 14

we already give up our "hard earned money" to support people we don't know. also you hitball those great republican talking points, bravo. tell me where "freedom" lists medical bill in the hundreds of thousands of dollars as something people have to deal with? I have a friend where both her and her husband were billed more than $1 Million dollars for surgeries, you wanna tell me how they are supposed to pay that off? hell your taxes pay for MY VA disability, do you know me, or an I a stranger? every other nation that is a democracy(and we are one, as well as a constitutional republic), can afford to support its citizens, so why doesn't the greatest nation do it.....the answer is simple.....pure greed on behalf of companies and people like you.


pfmarshallx 7

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Jon Tessler 14

we already give up our "hard earned money" to support people we don't know. also you hitball those great republican talking points, bravo. tell me where "freedom" lists medical bill in the hundreds of thousands of dollars as something people have to deal with? I have a friend where both her and her husband were billed more than $1 Million dollars for surgeries, you wanna tell me how they are supposed to pay that off? hell your taxes pay for MY VA disability, do you know me, or an I a stranger? every other nation that is a democracy(and we are one, as well as a constitutional republic), can afford to support its citizens, so why doesn't the greatest nation do it.....the answer is simple.....pure greed on behalf of companies and people like you.

pfmarshallx, please just shut the **** up. Decent people help those in need, whether we know them or not. And since we can't help everyone directly, we pay taxes, which then provides funds to those who need them, as benefits to those struggling in their daily lives, or to education to raise those who will be responsible for improving this world. It's not perfect, nothing ever is, but it's better than seeing everyone suffer because they can't get any help. Living under Mao was horrific, and I can't begin to understand how the people suffered, but your family survived. They had to sacrifice so much to escape, however staying would have cost so much more. Now look at yourself. Would you be where you are now if your family hadn't given everything to leave? And didn't strangers help your family rebuild their lives when they found a new place to call home? You complained about the rich, so I assume your family was poor or completely destitute when you moved. Which to me says all the strangers you're against helping helped your family to survive, directly or indirectly. So everything you have now is because of those strangers. Sharing is caring, and without it, you'd be dead. Remember where you came from, but don't forget those who helped you get to where you are now.

bleachedraven 14

see...this is one of the reasons I enjoy fmls so much.

this app is so leftist in every comment, almost makes me want to undownload it after like 8 years

Bai. The button you are looking for is 'uninstall' btw

Oh no! What will happen if you stop reading FML! Yeah, you're not important. Bye-bye!

The snowflake chuds getting all butthurt in the comments of this FML: *chef's kiss*

there's only one butt hurt person here and he's arguing for libertarians, don't know what comments you're reading buddy.

Apparently you've picked an unacceptable Kink, the tribe has spoken.