Pick it up

By Cassie - 02/05/2011 00:21

Today, I took my dog for a walk. He started crapping on someone's lawn, then I noticed that the owner was outside and giving me a death stare. Not knowing what to do, I picked up the crap with my bare hands. The man started laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 388
You deserved it 50 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Matty1188 6

Maybe you should be responsible and carry a bag or two with you when you walk your dog.


i can't stand ppl who let their dogs crap on my lawn. ydi

carry bags on dog walks duh! your suppose to pick up the shit anyways..... just saying.

fjretsel 1

3 options. 1) eat it up. 2) put it back up your dogs ass. 3) throw it on his face.

YDI. I hate dog owners like you. I occasionally find dog shit in my lawn and wish I could setup land mines. I have a dog and I NEVER let her step on someone's property because she'll most likely drop one. And I always have a bag just in case.

Oh. You're one of THOSE people. Always carry stuff to pick up after your dog. People like you sicken me. YDI

That's disgusting. You should hve just let your dog do it's

You shoulda just left it there and walked away. I do that all the time while walking my dog. :-/.

Then you're a stupid ******* **** and should relinquish your dog to a more responsible owner. I ******* HATE dipshits like you.

Shut the hell up 181 Dogs shit all the time now matter where they are it's stupid to pick that shit up every time. you're wasting your time with your words.

elvencellist 0

Maybe you should plan to pick your dog's crap and not leave it in other people's yards from now on.ydi.

stare back and walk away like nothing happened

skyeyez9 24

I always save the plastic shopping bags from stores for this reason. Also they are good for lining the bathroom trash cans. op, save the plastic bags and keep a few next to your dog's leash.