Club Tropicana

By Anonymous - 03/01/2024 09:00 - United States - Silver Spring

Today, I forgot to take my phone out of my bathing suit pocket before I went into the pool. It's not a high-end phone, so that's not why FML. The FML part is because I was on vacation, didn't have internet access, and the phone has no external memory card, so all the pictures I took while on vacation are lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 279
You deserved it 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“Stupid is as stupid does” - Forrest Gump… OP - I get it sometimes we screw up and do something dumb. I am sorry - But you did this to yourself. It’s not the hardware that’s so difficult to replace as it is all your memories and files… You might try one of those phone repair shops to see if they can restore your phone to working. Then you’d be able to recover your pictures. Be aware that some phones have cloud backup (like Apple) that stores a backup on their servers.

YDI for taking your phone into the pool. That's what's wrong with this generation - everyone is so addicted to their phones they can't go five minutes without them. Even if you're on vacation, if you're near water, it's probably best to leave your phone either in your purse or in the hotel room. Especially if it's not a waterproof one.


“Stupid is as stupid does” - Forrest Gump… OP - I get it sometimes we screw up and do something dumb. I am sorry - But you did this to yourself. It’s not the hardware that’s so difficult to replace as it is all your memories and files… You might try one of those phone repair shops to see if they can restore your phone to working. Then you’d be able to recover your pictures. Be aware that some phones have cloud backup (like Apple) that stores a backup on their servers.

YDI for taking your phone into the pool. That's what's wrong with this generation - everyone is so addicted to their phones they can't go five minutes without them. Even if you're on vacation, if you're near water, it's probably best to leave your phone either in your purse or in the hotel room. Especially if it's not a waterproof one.