Adulting is getting worse

By Anonymous - 13/08/2023 16:00 - Australia

Today, after years of living week to week, I finally got enough money that I could start saving. The universe found out and I got hit with a $2,000, a $300, a $400, and a $800 bill, all within the space of a week. Bye, bye spare money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 810
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lalalaila777 24

that is unfortunately what money is saved for in my life too

That's why we don't blab our good fortune to the universe, let alone social media!


That's why we don't blab our good fortune to the universe, let alone social media!

lalalaila777 24

that is unfortunately what money is saved for in my life too