It's toasted

By Carolyn - 14/09/2023 22:00

Today, I opened the preheated oven to discover the chicken casserole I made last week is now sludge. The freshly toasted maggots are scattered all over the oven. I took the casserole out, but didn't have my glasses on to see the maggots before placing the pan of biscuits inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 147
You deserved it 1 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think there might be some serious problems with how you live every aspect of your life.


I think there might be some serious problems with how you live every aspect of your life.

I put a painting in the oven to let it dry without my cats stomping all over it, forgot about it, and went to make something one day and smelled something burning before I realized what it was. Luckily it looks like it just toasted the back and didn't damage the work (I made it so it's not worth any money anyway). Sometimes we just forget things

Let's just hope maggots like biscuits! That is the point of this story, right?

HouseOfM 8

You left food in the oven for a week? That doesn't seem to surprise you but the maggots do? I think you should reassess your life.

You might want to get screened for ADHD

How the hell do you possibly forget you have something in the oven...? And why weren't you wearing your glasses? My mother refuses to wear hers and then complains that she can't see anything... seriously, wear the damn things. Sounds like you shouldn't be using an oven. Next thing you'll do is burn the house down.