Once more with feeling

By Anonymous - 01/12/2021 07:59

Today, the pain in my ribs was so bad I thought it’d be a good idea to stick the 24-hour heat patch on my skin to get the best out of the heat. When I removed it, it tore a bunch of my skin off. And I still have rib pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 797
You deserved it 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank you! I come here to share my thoughts so I don't have to bear the weight of them alone.

Keep heating those ribs. Baste them with barbecue sauce before applying the heat patch. Your ribs might not feel better, but they'll eventually be delicious.


Keep heating those ribs. Baste them with barbecue sauce before applying the heat patch. Your ribs might not feel better, but they'll eventually be delicious.

Thank you! I come here to share my thoughts so I don't have to bear the weight of them alone.