Old Man Blues

By Anonymous - 22/04/2020 08:03

Today, I seriously strained my back picking up my daughter. I’m only 22 and now I have a bad back a man in his 70s would be proud of. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 370
You deserved it 276

Same thing different taste

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I completely threw out my back at 22, the doctor had no idea how. It can happen at any age op, don't feel bad :) try picking your daughter up by bending your knees, not your back to support it and get well soon!

dancingcats 5

you realize you can throw your back out by just twisting right? no lifting is required.


I completely threw out my back at 22, the doctor had no idea how. It can happen at any age op, don't feel bad :) try picking your daughter up by bending your knees, not your back to support it and get well soon!

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dancingcats 5

you realize you can throw your back out by just twisting right? no lifting is required.

I did this on Christmas Eve trying to Lift a massive dog kennel with my partner I fell to the ground in pain and couldn't get up, my partner had to call an ambulance It still hurts if I use it much like today when I was doing some gardening It will Often lock up and be quite stiff I over do it.

Susan Yee 9

You are supposed to squat/bend your knees before picking her up.

I had to have back surgery at the ripe old age of 25 due to a severely herniated disk and sciatica. I’ve had herniated disks since 9th grade. It’s more common than you think.