Oh, so sexy

By quarantine15 - 28/04/2020 14:00

Today, I tried to be sexy and asked my husband of 6 years if he wanted to "put a baby in me." He shook the recent belly fat I gained and asked, "Is there room for a baby in there?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 305
You deserved it 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that was rude. Also, "put a baby in me" is not sexy, even if you're trying for one.

lifeis4me 20

In his defense, getting someone pregnant isn’t usually sexy unless both of them really want a kid


He doesn't know how biology works -- fat women get pregnant all the time. Provided their men's dicks are long enough to get around the FUPA and make the delivery.

Well that was rude. Also, "put a baby in me" is not sexy, even if you're trying for one.

No, it's kinda hot. OP's husband is rude, but I'd get turned on by it.

lifeis4me 20

In his defense, getting someone pregnant isn’t usually sexy unless both of them really want a kid

bobsanction 18

Next time just ask him if he wants to bang like a normal person.

“Put a baby in Me” is really really really not sexy at all. What kind of man would be turned on by the idea of having to raise a person for 18 years????.

tounces7 27

You would clearly overthink it and ruin the moment. It's not meant to be something you take a long time to consider.