Belly Finger

By ihmmil - 18/01/2020 14:00

Today, my husband was trying to be sexy, and asked me if I wanted to sit on his "Belly Finger". Major mood kill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 466
You deserved it 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you want to see if he can get it in your "Front Butt Hole." You'll both be celibate for a while.


Tell him you want to see if he can get it in your "Front Butt Hole." You'll both be celibate for a while.

That doesn't even make sense - a penis isn't on your belly, idiot. Sounds like someone needs to go back to biology class and learn about the human anatomy.

Ewwww. I'm with you. That would kill my mood too.