NYC public transport

By Anonymous - 04/12/2020 17:02 - United States - New York

Today, there was a pretty girl sitting near me on the train home. I thought about asking for her number., but instead a drunk nitwit decided to wander around the car and came very close to touching her. She got up and moved to the other end, while I had to deal with a belligerent hobo who was now intent on fighting me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 854
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, one problem that really attractive women have is that they are an object of unwanted desire by random people that they have no interest in. Because of this they often have their guard up against strangers unless they are attracted to them. The other problem is that they get so much attention that your attention has little value to them, while a less physically attractive girl or woman is more likely to appreciate your attention. I won’t say to only pursue the physically unattractive people, but I warn you that if you focus ONLY on the really pretty girl or woman you are not going to be very successful unless you are equally charming or attractive (or are rich and powerful and they are into that).

Damn straight. You cockblocked the bum! Put your dukes up.


Damn straight. You cockblocked the bum! Put your dukes up.

OP, one problem that really attractive women have is that they are an object of unwanted desire by random people that they have no interest in. Because of this they often have their guard up against strangers unless they are attracted to them. The other problem is that they get so much attention that your attention has little value to them, while a less physically attractive girl or woman is more likely to appreciate your attention. I won’t say to only pursue the physically unattractive people, but I warn you that if you focus ONLY on the really pretty girl or woman you are not going to be very successful unless you are equally charming or attractive (or are rich and powerful and they are into that).

I dunno, man, asking for a girl's number, whom you have never met before or even talked to, seems a bit on the creepy side. What makes you think she would have given it to you and not just get up and move to the other end anyway? Maybe the drunk was her friend and he was keeping an eye out for people who might be bothering her. ;-)