Not everyone's cup of tea

By Anonymous - 26/10/2021 20:00

Today, I’ve noticed that my boyfriend gets progressively more short-tempered and grumpy as time goes on, until we get to the Friday before we drop my kids off at their dad's house, then for that weekend he’s downright happy, until we have to pick them up Sunday night then he starts getting grumpy again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 137
You deserved it 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He definitely doesn’t like your kids

Just putting this out there... Maybe your boyfriend doesn't like your kids? One or the other has got to go.


Just putting this out there... Maybe your boyfriend doesn't like your kids? One or the other has got to go.

Marcella1016 31

Yeah kids are overrated anyways.

He definitely doesn’t like your kids

bobsanction 18

Kids are awful no surprise there.

OldLou 3

You need a new BF. Your kids are way more important. If he can't love them, then he can't love you.

He doesn’t have to love them but he definitely mustn’t be grumpy about them. So yeah don’t stay with him.

Two possible explanations: (1) You are more likely to have a relaxing and intimate relationship when the kids are out of the house and that affects his mood. (2) Boyfriend either doesn’t want to care for or be around another man’s children or they irritate him for some other reason. I suggest you discuss this with boyfriend some time when the kids are out of the house - Honestly but without hostility. Then you will better understand what’s going on. The underlying problem may or may not be “fixable”. If it’s not you are going to have to figure out where to go from there.