Kids are hard work

By Gemma - 07/02/2021 01:01 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised my boyfriend is only nice to my son to make me happy. Turns out he hates children and will only do the minimum interaction with my 4-year-old son he can get away with, until he can fabricate an excuse to leave the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 914
You deserved it 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Yeah, everything about this is a red flag for him being a toxic, garbage person in general. I realize not everyone likes kids - that's okay. But it's NOT okay to not like kids and then enter into a relationship with someone who has them.


rae139 1

Boy bye. Your son deserves better

tounces7 27

Yeah, everything about this is a red flag for him being a toxic, garbage person in general. I realize not everyone likes kids - that's okay. But it's NOT okay to not like kids and then enter into a relationship with someone who has them.

Give your son back to his dad, so you can be happy with your man. Problem solved!

You spelled ex boyfriend wrong. I hope you kick him to the cur. Please don't be one of those moms who puts her happiness ahead of the child. If you do take this advice: Give the child to his dad, or a relative. Lovers come and go but thats 💯 YOUR child.

peterblack67 9

If you now know this about him why is he still your boyfriend?

So, what you’re saying is, you’re single now?

and this is why if I was single and dating today, I couldn't date a parent. kids aren't my thing and the bf should know this if he doesn't like kids either.

MandiJo 5