No kinkshaming here

By Anonymous - 27/04/2021 11:00

Today, my hotel room key wouldn't open my door. Maintenance had to come let me in. My giant dildo was out on the table. I'm a 250-pound man, traveling alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 574
You deserved it 1 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

embarrassing but its nobodies business what you do in private

As a hotel worker. I can tell you that he has seen worse.


Just tell them it's for medical reasons because you're incontinent and need to "seal the exit". That way you'll completely save face!

embarrassing but its nobodies business what you do in private

As a hotel worker. I can tell you that he has seen worse.

Your huge ***** is at the rear end of the shocking stuff the maintenance guy had seen.

geerod 16

Your never alone if you have your *****!

You get accustomed to it after a couple times. I own one of the dolls and live in an apartment. I'm sure maintenance has seen it and when the police do the door to door "how's the neighborhood" event, they have seen it. Plus, as a mechanic, I can say I wish I only saw ****** in cars. I've seen WAY worse.

Probably not even the wierdest thing he saw that day.

Be proud you have a sex life that's actually satisfying instead of kowtowing to modern Puritans.