
By Anonymous - 03/07/2021 16:01

Today, while walking on the sidewalk, I was hit by a daycare van. After going to the police to complain, I was given a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 931
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have the feeling you left out something important. Why would you get a ticket if you were hit by a van?


I have the feeling you left out something important. Why would you get a ticket if you were hit by a van?

Ambrily 27

On the sidewalk, nonetheless.

Something isn't adding up. If you were walking on the sidewalk, where you were supposed to be, and were hit by a van...the van would be on the sidewalk where it SHOULDN'T be.... you wouldn't gave gotten a ticket because you weren't doing anything wrong. So if you got a ticket, you're either lying about something, or leaving something out of the story.