Nervous Nelly

By insaneindamembrane - 16/05/2022 16:00

Today, I finally realized that I have so much anxiety and stress, I would fail a polygraph test asking me my own name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 771
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're actually primed to beat the machine. With your underlying anxiety, the polygraph will get the same response whether they're asking your name or about all of those people you've murdered and eaten.

I was going to suggest giving unfavorable responses to every question so it looks like all the bad stuff is lies, but your idea has fewer steps.


You're actually primed to beat the machine. With your underlying anxiety, the polygraph will get the same response whether they're asking your name or about all of those people you've murdered and eaten.

I was going to suggest giving unfavorable responses to every question so it looks like all the bad stuff is lies, but your idea has fewer steps.

From the science perspective, you can's fail a polygraph test. No scientific experiment ever has proven efficacy of a polygraph. There is no difference between horoscopes, palm reading and polygraph tests - all of the above is quackery.