
By cole - 24/04/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, I got approached by a hot young lady in a bar. After joking around for a few minutes she said, "Hey, I love your jacket, where'd you get that?" I then told her that it's actually a replica of the Indiana Jones jacket. This is when she remembered that she "had to go somewhere." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 531
You deserved it 61 599

Same thing different taste

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ahem.... not that I would care ... but where did you get this jacket?

I think that's pretty cool. I wouldn't have left you = ) Unless you were creepy and i needed an excuse =P


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HalfRetarded127 18

Either way it's Harrison Ford

ahem.... not that I would care ... but where did you get this jacket?

Indy balls out of control. That is all.

Maybe she was afraid you'd smack her pussy with your whip.

cant_touch_this 0

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I think that's pretty cool. I wouldn't have left you = ) Unless you were creepy and i needed an excuse =P

don't worry she's the one missing out. i personally love Harrison Ford (as well as Indy and Han Solo) and would love to own a jacket like that!

Agreed. I would've thought it was pretty pimpin. Don't take it too personally though OP, it just shows you probably didn't have many interests in common with her. You're better off. :)

Dude that's ballin. Bitches just don't understand.

deppinthought 0

my ex had a replica indy jacket. i thought it was smexy