Nepo baby

By WretchedOwls - 03/03/2016 23:59 - United States - Barberton

Today, after weeks of my brother being laid off from work, I was able to finagle him an interview for one of the entry level positions at my work. He got the job, only to refuse it because it doesn't pay enough. I thought 9 dollars an hour was a lot more than 0 dollars an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 522
You deserved it 1 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are just too proud to settle for anything other than the best.

At least you tried OP, too bad it was a waste of time.


Badkarma4u 17

Taking any job is not always the best way to manage a career, even if you are unemployed. If that job was forcing him to take a step down career wise, it may be harder for him to take that step back up than it would be to wait for the appropriate position for someone at his career level.

A lot of companies don't like to see a large period of unemployment. You don't have to brag that you worked a crappy job, but on a resume something usually likes better than nothing.

In that case it's often better to fill your resume with continued education, volunteer work, or form an LLC and claim you've been doing contract work than take a full time job that won't pay your expenses while up taking the time you need to find another one. Even if working a low wage job is worth it to you, you don't want to clog your resume with irrelevant info, which might be the case if you took a job outside your field or below your level of expertise. Not all work is resume worthy.

If he lives with you tell him that he gets a job or youll kick him out.

corky1992 33

Don't understand why he didn't take it until he found something else that paid more..

dannidoll93 24

I've never heard the word fenagle before... Is it an American thing??

#24, I suppose it's a word more commonly used in America or Canada. I live in the US and have used or heard it quite often. It''s similar to him saying he "pulled some strings" to get his brother the job.

We know nothing about the brother. For all we know he could have just lost a job where he was earning double that wage. He could have qualifications that allow him to go for better paying jobs. He could have had other interviews where he will earn more if he gets those jobs. It could just be a really really shitty position (we aren't exactly told what the job was) I know people say beggars can't be choosers but sometimes there are jobs that are just not worth the little money you get. Maybe he got a severance package and has enough money to get by for awhile. Or maybe yeah he is just to prideful and doesn't want to take a job beneath him. Or as others said maybe he is making more from unemployment so he doesn't want to go and earn less. Kinda hope for a follow up would be nice to know if the brother actual had any sort of decent reasoning or was just someone not wanting a job they felt was beneath them.

Except that we do know he had no other interviews recently. Op had to pull some strings to try and get the interview in the first place and he wasn't having any other interviews. So there was no possibility of another job with more money waiting in the wings. He probably would've been best to take this job and keep searching for a higher paid job.

So OP knows everything that is going on in his brothers life? Every single day of every single hour? All we are told is the brother was unemployed for a few weeks and his brother was able to get him an interview. Nothing about that at all suggests the brother hadn't had other interviews, it just suggests OP was being a nice brother and trying to get his brother work sooner rather than later. There are a lot of assumptions that can be made from this FML but without a follow up, that's all they are, assumptions.

Actually, @50, we know nothing of the sort. Literally all we know is that he lost his job a few weeks ago and she had to pull the strings to get his the interview. Anything else about other job prospects, or lack thereof, is just speculation.

I'd quit helping him then if he is going to be like that. Then if he comes back and bitches at you for not helping, you can tell him you're the one who got him a job, and he was the idiot who didn't take it.

He is probably making more if he has filed for unemployment than he would make at $9 and hour. Not to mention any other government programs such as welfare or food stamps that he could be on as well.

oldie_goldie 13

There is this overwhelming opinion that everyone should just take any job they can get even if it has nothing to do with your qualifications or level of experience, provided it has been 'fixed' for by a relative. I think this mindset actually will set you up for low-wage positions and job-hopping on a long term. One should stick to what they do best and try to sell that to an employer at the best price. Freelancing and doing project-based work can help when you can't find full time. There are loads of websites for this.

I totally agree... I'm from New Jersey, and 9 bucks an hr is something u wipe ur ass with... Especially with a one bedroom starting between 1000-1100/month in rent. What is $9.00 an hr supposed to pay for? And for all of u with this self righteous "take what you can get" attitude, shove it... People are so quick to tell others what they need to be doing...

Talis99 26

My first job was $6.25 an hour in 2003 and I was thrilled. $9.00 is nothing to sneeze at if you are single and completely unemployed. If he had kids to support or medicine or something, I could understand, but $9.00 is not bad. And he should know it's easier to get one with one. This could have been a stepping stone and still making money.