Mom of the year

By Neo - 10/02/2022 16:00

Today, I told my mom that I'd vomited blood. She simply said, “Good” and went back to watching TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 071
You deserved it 94

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummm, what the ****? Don't even ask her to take you, just get to a doctor.

Find a way to safely get to a doctor if your mom won'ttake you. If you're a minor, get CPS involved.


Ummm, what the ****? Don't even ask her to take you, just get to a doctor.

Find a way to safely get to a doctor if your mom won'ttake you. If you're a minor, get CPS involved.

wikkedGurl 2

Jesus I’m sorry for that . My moms creepy too. It’s not your fault or mine.