Mid-life crisis guys

By Choppedliver - 13/01/2023 14:00

Today, my husband is divorcing me, leaving our 4 children behind because, and I quote, “She’s 22, 5’3 with perky tits and ass, you don’t find women like these often.” I asked him three times if he was serious. He said, “As serious as a heart attack.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 651
You deserved it 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take that dickless **** for everything he has

Good riddance. He ´s a sc*mbag. Don’t cry over his loss. But make him pay child support.


Take that dickless **** for everything he has

Good riddance. He ´s a sc*mbag. Don’t cry over his loss. But make him pay child support.

get a good lawyer. they'll make him pay for their services and take him for everything he's got for you! get his ass good, don't look back and good luck girl!

Is he wrong? You didn't mention his age. If it's advanced, he'll be coming back to you soon. And when he does, you'll have "hand."

Sonotsuave 35

Wtf? What is with people nowadays, they’re losing their common sense. Divorce his ass for being a piece of shit and take all his money for child and spousal support. He’ll wise up real fast

LAWYER. NOW. Take that pathetic prick for all he's got and make him pay child support... and don't let him see the kids, either, if he wants to down the road. I wonder if the other woman knows this douche has a wife and four kids... I kind of hope she doesn't so she gets blindsided by the lawsuit and child support he'll be forced to pay.

OH_HappyDays 14

Well girls like that usually want a sugar daddy. Make sure she realizes she will be his main source of support. Take him for everything. You deserve better and more importantly your kids deserve better. Sorry your ex is a douche. Find your happy now!