Manlet issues

By falling short - 20/03/2015 15:26 - India - Mumbai

Today, my best friend confessed to having feelings for me. I've been in love with her for a long time, so I was ecstatic. She doesn't see herself ever going out with me, though, because she's a couple of inches taller and can't imagine herself "towering" over her man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 894
You deserved it 2 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she's willing to give up the guy she likes for a height difference then that's just pathetic.


If she's willing to give up the guy she likes for a height difference then that's just pathetic.

Yeah, that's really low of her. It doesn't sound like that big of a problem

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If she gives him up for a few inches now, just imagine how it'd be latter... OP dodged a bullet here in my opinion.

Doesn't sound like a very tall order for her to change her aversion to short dates.

Preferences ARE part of s relationship whether people want to admit it or not. So that's a deal breaker, you can't really help that. What's shitty of her is to admit feelings for him when she didn't have intentions of dating him.

I consider a lot of my physical preferences to be more like bonus points. Nice but in no way mandatory.

Why is it completely acceptable for a girl to refuse to date a short guy but a guy who refuses to date a fat girl is an insensitive asshole? And you can lose weight, but you can't just grow a few inches.

False equivalency. It's okay for anyone to refuse to date anyone for any reason, period. The right to choose who you date belongs to you and you alone. No one deserves to date you against your wishes and preferences.

There's nothing wrong with a guy refusing to date a heavier girl. Everyone can say that they only want personality all they want but the truth is being attracted to someone is a big thing, and most people have physical things they like or dislike. People are called "shallow" but the fact is it's hard to make a relationship work if you are not FULLY attracted to them, both personality and physically

Well, ..... Shit.... Sorry for you. Jeep trying...

I don't think he could afFORD to lose her.

At least she didn't accuse him of thinking she was Fiat.

#92 maybe because j is right next to k and it was a spelling error.

Idk why everyone gave #3 downvotes.... he's the 4runner with all these car puns in my opinion

Ya know what they say! Height doesn't matter when you're laying down.

Totally unrelated but every time I hear "well shit!" I remember you, Welshite.

Aww it makes me go all warm and cuddly inside when my name is attached to unfortunate events. :')

A07 48

Seriously man, I keep expecting you to comment 'you called?' everytime someone comments with 'well shit'.

Whenever I see a razor commercial, I think of Welshite because his profile pic looks like a razor when you're not zoomed in.

I wear shoes that make me 3in taller all the time they really work! I'm thinking of buying dress shoes too that increase height by 4 in so my gf can wear heels when we need to dress up.

bethers_ 22

If her feelings for you are true, that shouldn't really matter! Try to talk to her about it.

I agree. Communication is key. Pull her aside, grab a chair, sit down or stand on it if you need to... Jk, but seriously, talk to her about that. She may or may not be that shallow. I'm pretty tall and I've been attracted to quite a few guys shorter than me but never pursued anything more with them not because I didn't want to, but I assumed THEY would be uncomfortable with my height. Maybe she brought it up to see if you had an issue with the (slight) height difference between you two. Idk. Best of luck, OP!

Agreed as well. This girl needs to figure out what is really important to her: her feelings for this guy or his height. I used to say I would never date a guy shorter than me, but then I met a guy that I just clicked with, and suddenly it didn't matter that he was two inches shorter than me. OP's friend needs to figure out her priorities.

She really is stooping low in her expectations in guys.

Tall girl problems:short guy problems. That sucks, but there are heaps of girls who'd go out with shorter guys - the fault is in her mentality, not the fact she is taller. Hopefully you aren't takin it too hard :)

hockeygoalie13 15

I totally agree! My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 6 years now, but when we started dating I was 7 inches taller than him. Now we are the same height. It has in no way affected any part of our relationship.

So... You were in middle school when you started dating and he had a growth spurt? Or did you shrink in the wash? How do you close a 7 inch height difference??

hockeygoalie13 15

We were freshmen when we started dating, so he had a growth spurt.

If she has feelings for you OP, why doesn't she want to go out with you? But still, keep your chine up OP. It'll get better

It says in the FML why she doesn't want to go out with him :)

just say where I lack inches in height I compensate down lower.