Making a scene

By becca1417 - 01/09/2009 22:21 - United States

Today, I was at the mall in a store looking at movie posters. I turned around and suddenly saw a creepy guy smiling at me, holding his arms out wide. I screamed, "Holy shit!" really loudly, causing everyone to stop and stare at me funny. Then I realized the creepy man was a cardboard cutout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 773
You deserved it 45 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the_stereotype 0

hahaha...dumb i hope you told that card board cut off for that bitch that he was


I saw this guy one day and went like "OMG, he's soo hoT!" and actually approached him, two friends waiting behind n smiling in a weird way.. he turned out to be a cardboard cutout as well, I was sooo embarressed :((, especially because he turned out to be this guy who's almost 20 years older than me =( don't worry, its not ur fault, YdontDI..

My dear friend from high school got a cardboard cutout of Legolas (from Lord of the Rings) for her 16th birthday. We set him up at the front door, so he was the first thing every one of the incoming guests saw when they opened the door. The reactions were EXCELLENT. ^_^

singer4life666 0

You should have just played it off and been like,"Oh shit!I didn't know this movie came out today!" Lol

See now I thought you looked in the mirror but oh well _________________________________

You dumb bitch. Learn the difference of a cardboard and a human.

girlwhoactshigh 0

Dude harsh take a chill pill :D

yay becca! I saw a cutout and approached it well knowing it was a cutout to see what others would think. Mom saw me and smiled thinking I was talking to a girl. When I went back she said "so who's that" and i said "megan fox."

fml_lover1 0

some girls on my floor at college had a lifesize cardboard cutout of the geico caveman for some reason, and that thing would randomly show up in the showers, right outside your dorm room door, in the trash room, in the kitchen, everywhere. It always surprised people, but their reactions were awesome.

GREAT IDEA :D!!! _____________________________

ohFawkYou 0

HAHAHA ! :D that happened to me one time .

i love how fml has become a social networking site as well lol. bc you see ppl like screwtaylor and plexico on almost every comment thread. not hatin. just sayin

Haha, I kind of like that aspect. I have people I like and reply to a lot on here, and people I hate and argue with. It's fun. :]

I don't get it.... Of course when you have a website with this much traffic you're going to get regulars ______________________

That's not even close to an FML. That is MLIA for sure. Laugh at yourself. MLIA -

Why does someone always have to comment "that's not an fml". If every fml posted on here was something totally horrible and sad that had happened to someone no one would be on this site. FMLs are meant to be funny, not depressing.

i cant tell you how many times that has happened to me...