Major red flag

By Anonymous - 12/01/2023 23:00 - United States - Ewa Beach

Today, I asked the guy I’m seeing if he thought I was pretty. He replied that "all women on Earth" don’t compare to "the women in heaven", therefore all “earthly women” look like monkeys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 844
You deserved it 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he thinks he knows what women in Heaven look like, then he's clearly out of his ******* mind. They are all Photoshopped, dumb-ass! Move along, nothing to see here.


If he thinks he knows what women in Heaven look like, then he's clearly out of his ******* mind. They are all Photoshopped, dumb-ass! Move along, nothing to see here.

Just a variant on the theme where people are in love with an imaginary manga comic character. No one else can come close to their imaginary ideal. This is an older variant, but it’s still nut job material. Run!!!! In the future don’t ask people if you are pretty. If you are perceived that way you will know from their reactions, and if it’s the opposite you will know that too. It comes off as “needy” to ask for compliments and you may not like the reaction you get.

"I'd oblige you, but the cops get all stern when you spontaneously send someone to Heaven. Especially if I doubt you'd get in. I'm just going to call an Uber, instead."