Mad beliefs

By GodSquad - 26/09/2013 08:06 - United Kingdom - Blackburn

Today, I found out that the girl I've fallen in love with is a "young-earth/dinosaurs-lived-with-humans" crackpot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 425
You deserved it 7 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait? So the flinstones arent autobiographical. Damnit, childhood ruined.

myeviltwin 20

She is not a crackpot for believing something different. She is a crackpot for believing a crackpot idea. Hope I cleared that up for you.


obviousboy 8

The problem isn't necessarily the fact that she's a creationist, it's that this behavior is indicative of a lack of critical thinking skills. Just don't get her pregnant. :P

Sinistra_Blue 12

It seems like anyone who doesn't conform to the common belief system has an automatic lack of critical thinking. It is sad to see the bigotry and lack of civility from both sides. I say we just lock everybody in one room until we stop fighting. Or at least stop acting like children.

ninety 25

More likely than not, it would end with last man standing, haha.

skyeyez9 24

So she believes that, big deal. You are being a dick and deserve to be single if you ridiculed her belief in her face. She may have been brought up to believe that. Also, making fun of her will not magically make her see things Your way.

If she believes that, you should be able to convince her of a few others "facts" to have some fun before you dump her. Think of your sexual fantasies and tell her that not doing them has been known to cause cancer.

Just because she believes in something silly, doesn't make her stupid, or mean that she will believe ridiculous medical claims. But even if she is stupid, it's pretty ****** up to take sexual advantage of someone's stupidity, no? I know you're joking, but even to joke about manipulating someone into committing sexual acts they otherwise wouldn't is offensive and in very poor taste.

SakuraFubuki92 12

Respect her. Seriously. I'm Christian and believe in creationism, while my boyfriend is a man of science and we both respect each other's opinion. Really we don't even talk about it, but we don't judge. If you really were in love with her, you wouldn't care.

obviousboy 8

I'm glad that your boyfriend overlooks your apparent lack of critical thinking ability. I also hope that this doesn't lead you to thinking that vaccines and stem cell research is bad.

ninety 25

Not everyone that believes in creationism are total dumbasses and opposed to science just because they reject one theory.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#86- You need to just stop being an asshole about everyone's beliefs. Just because someone believes something different than you doesn't make them an idiot. It makes you an immature dick for making a big deal out of it.

RedPillSucks 31

Sigh.... The Vatican has a science organization, filled with real scientists with real degrees. Science and Religion don't have to be polar opposites. Just because some one believes in science doesn't automatically mean they don't believe in God.

It's important to note, though, that Catholics are no longer creationists, however, you make a valid point. What 86 said was pretty stupid, since there's no connection between the most popular movement against vaccines and religion at all, or a direct connection between creationism and disliking stem cell research. Most people who dislike vaccinations these days draw a link between autism and a chemical found in vaccines. That has nothing to do with a belief in creationism, or religion at all. And religious people who oppose stem cell research oppose EMBRYONIC stem cell research specifically, because it often involves the destruction of an ovum, which has the potential to become a human being. That doesn't really have to do with creationism, but rather is more closely linked to the issues of contraception and abortion, and how one defines the rights personhood during the course of human development. I suggest, 86, you do some critical thinking of your own before accusing others of lacking that ability.

OP, you're probably screwed on this one. Not literally, though. There's a really high percentage of young-Earth creationists who are also in the no anything before marriage boat, so unless this chick is rich enough to make marrying her a decent investment, time to cut your losses.

Both of those species thrive on this planet. Existing at the same time is possible even of one species eats the other. I.e. deer and wolves, lions and zebras, cows and grass, etc..

Lili_love 14

so all christians are not worthy of love? good to know.

obviousboy 8

Are all Christians creationists/bible literalists?

RedPillSucks 31

Honestly, there's nothing in this FML that says OPs girlfriend is a Christian.

RedPillSucks 31

@39 OP doesn't mean coexisting as in living in peace and harmony. OP means coexisting as in being present in the same/overlapping time periods in history, like the "Flintstones".

Thejackel79 9

Ypur girlfriend isnt the brightest bulb in the pack is she.

So? I bet she's not calling you a crackpot for believing something different. Everyone has the right to believe whatever they want