By Anonymous - 01/01/2010 10:29 - United States

Today, I thought my family would like it if I celebrated the new year with them. My brother thought that I'd like him to shoot my butt with his new gun in celebration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 098
You deserved it 2 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daydreamstar 7

now thats a pain in the ass...

I like how you people bring in the new year. I personally like to celebrate the new year by chopping my arm off as a nice "**** you" to the universe.


daydreamstar 7

now thats a pain in the ass...

Newbie21 1

wow Fyl and happy new year

I like how you people bring in the new year. I personally like to celebrate the new year by chopping my arm off as a nice "**** you" to the universe.

AntiChrist7 0

YDI for living in a country where every moron can buy a gun.

THANK YOU. i ******* hate that about living in america. dumbass civilians most definitely do not need guns on a day to day basis.

jisaac09 25

To hell with you guys.... guns are the reason that u can sit around debating if we should be able to have guns.... if u dont like em then ban em from all the law abiding people so that only thing criminals can have em.... how bout this, take away your gmas only form of defense, let a crack addict break into her house and beat her ass with a baseball bat and then debate if it was right take away guns......

If you don't appreciate guns then get the **** out queer.

I'm an American who knows our stupid gun laws allow us to have the highest murder rates in the world. And don't forget all the kids who accidentally shoot each other. Want a rifle to shoot an elk and a deer that feeds your family for a year like my husband has? Fine, but he would never have stupid handguns that weenies need to feel tough.

Quietcannon 0

Or in this case, shoot you in the ass. Though I'm going to have to bet that it was an airsoft or paintball gun, and not a real one.

GiRIsMakingCupca 0

ouchy oughta shoot him in the butt! lol

#7: Yes, because you can definitely choose where you're born.

#7 didn't say "for being born in", he said "for living in". Big difference, and #7 wasn't even serious. It wasn't so much a YDI comment as a "Americans and their damn guns" comment.