Let's slip out of here

By Anonymous - 07/04/2009 02:11 - United States

Today, my friends and I saw a movie. We sat in the balcony. Halfway during the movie we heard a commotion, thinking it was a group of unruly teenagers like us, we began to pelt the lower half of the theater with candy. We later learned that it was a man having a heart attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 923
You deserved it 100 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would YOU like to have to clean that up?

Why not be showered with candy when you get a heart attack? It's an awesome way to die


that's what he gets for disrupting the movie. how dare he go into a theater knowing he risked a heart attack. next time choose a throwing weapon with more stopping power: like knives, throwing stars, or grenades

This sounds a lot like the one where the teenagers threw popcorn at the man with a breathing tube.

kellster 2

How ironic that it was, in fact, you and your idiot friends who were the stupid teens? Or behaving like them. Either way... you know what? Don't throw things in public places. If you want to be a shit and throw crap around your own house, fine. Doing that in public is immature, irresponsible, and a huge annoyance to everyone around you. Pity you weren't kicked out of the theater!

Why_Me77 0

"Today, I had a heart-attack while in the movies and I was being showered by candy. Thinking it was a sign I was going to heaven, I found out it was bunch of teenagers throwing candy at me from up above. FML"

LOL #6 and #55! Bahaha YDI so badly. But I'm not one to talk, whenever I go to the movies there is ALWAYS a guy with a fro in front of me, and I ALWAYS throw popcorn at him. xD Childish, yes. Fun, you know it. ;)

Something tells me this was ripped off from the FML about the girls throwing popcorn at the guy with a breathing tube.

le_plume_beni 0

haha think about HIS FML: "Today, I had a heart attack while teenagers threw candy at me. FML."

Hope you had to clean the entire theater up.

Siren_00 0

Whether they were rowdy teenagers or not, it blows my mind that you think that gives you the right to throw anything at anyone. We are in a supposedly civilized era now and your behavior was that of animals. No, worse than animals. And deciding to retaliate in such an immature way to what you thought was someone else being immature is incredibly stupid.

This is the absoulute worst faked FML I've ever seen. Please cancel your internet and never touch a computer again.