Leave me alone

By Peppermint - 17/03/2011 10:00 - New Zealand

Today, I put signs up in the lifts at work with my name and desk phone number as the contact in case the lifts break down. I work in IT so there are hundreds of men in the building. Someone has already drawn a very wonky heart next to my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 411
You deserved it 5 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ruckainc 0

Awwwwww. Someone likes you! :3

"Today, I saw the name of a cute girl i work with in the elevator. Bored and trying to be sweet, i drew a little heart by it. It wasn't my best work, for i was shaky and nervous. When she found out it was me, she kicked me in the nuts, called me a stalker, and is now suing for sexual harassment. FML"


won·ky Adjective /ˈwäNGkē/ shaky, rickety, wobbly, crooked, off-center, askew, faulty.

TayonaC 10

I guess a messed up mutilated heart....

How offensive! I spent a long time drawing that heart! And op, you should be thankful you work in a place where the only thing you need to get laid is a ******.(: lol

aw you and the owner of the wonky heart should go out! I'll cook y'all the special of the week... boiling macaroni :D

It's IT. No hot men allowed (presumedly).

alfredrog 0

well at least u got one, some people in FML wish they did :p

LOL #26 is boiling macaroni your specialty =p Mmmm

SirEBC 7

Please don't start the macaroni shit again.

72 to save our relationship, I will pretend like I didn't read that

Hey once you go ravioli you... yeah I got nothin ;(

I love macaroni. :D If I were wearing a macaroni suit, would you love me?

CommonSenseKarma 17

Easy Mac :D lol Macaroni all the way

Nothing like borderline glowing orange powder mixed with water, heat, and macaroni to make your day.

89, no. perhaps if it were real macaroni. I dont eat fabric.

iluffmcrandbvb 1

I'd be thankful someone out there likes you.. take what you can get IMO, and oh my god no you're possibly working with a gay male!! which makes up 30% of the god damn population these days, write "Thanks but No?" next to the heart, take a compliment much =

tjv3 10
YoItsMegan 0
zendaddy0 0

a heart doesn't look like 8====D

Ruckainc 0

Awwwwww. Someone likes you! :3

"Today, I saw the name of a cute girl i work with in the elevator. Bored and trying to be sweet, i drew a little heart by it. It wasn't my best work, for i was shaky and nervous. When she found out it was me, she kicked me in the nuts, called me a stalker, and is now suing for sexual harassment. FML"

oemgee ^^^freakin hystericallllll!!!!(:

I'd take that as a compliment! on the other hand, I AM a guy...

someone has a not so secret admirere!

I also do not get it... I understand there are elevators and IT men involved, but what exactly is the point of this fml?

yohooooooo 5
0darkfire0 0
TayonaC 10

how cute your already someones bitch :) have fun with that

Lifes_a_bust 0
TayonaC 10

how cute your already someones bitch have fun with that

TayonaC 10

sorrrrry didn't mean to put this twice :o