Lay the blame

By jobless - 13/09/2015 14:07 - United States

Today, a guy came into my gas station, showed me the gun on his hip, and asked me to kindly empty the register. My asshole boss claimed afterwards that because we live in an open carry state, and because the guy didn't point the gun at me, that there was no actual robbery and I just gave him free money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 717
You deserved it 2 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your manager is an idiot. Period. Fyl OP.

Better not to work for someone who values money more than your life


FYL for living in a state allowing guns, never understood that law

In this day and age it still counts seeing how easy it is for something to be considered "assault", so it should be safe to say that showing a firearm and telling someone to give money can be considered robbery

If you work at a place with audio and video I'd be calling corporate and filling a lawsuit against the company. As far as the boss is concerned, if you kept less than $50 in bills in the drawer I'd prove that as well unless you forgot to make a drop. Either way that boss is a serious douche.

It's unfortunate that you live in a "right to work" state. That means your boss is able to fire you arbitrarily. If your state had better job protections you might be able to sue him for that.

I'd be just as scared, OP. Ur boss should be pointed out to HR.

epilepticloh 20

OP come live in Canada! We don't have that problem here aha

A.K.A. He didn't want to pay for the proper security equipment to catch the robber, and needs a scapegoat. Sorry OP.

maybe a robber needs to write "I am a robber" on his forehead in order to threaten your idiotic boss

And in order to convince half the commenters here that what he actually did was robbery.

tigerzroze 16

I think it is time to look for a new job. Your life is worth more then money. I quit my last job for a fairly similar situation, and I don't regret it one bit.

It sucks you got robbed, but since no one actually threatened you the police can't do anything right? I understand why your boss is pissed at that..

leogachi 15

@110 In the U.S., showing a weapon to someone is a threat.

Not just in the US. Declaring intent is illegal, wether the weapon is pointed or not.

Alright, didn't knew that. (As my name says, I'm dutch :p) I thought 'casually pulling back your jacket and accidentally showing your gun' wasn't illegal with open carry guns.

Where does it say he accidentally pulled his jacket back? OP said that he showed him and the gun and demanded that he give him the money in the register. How is any of that "accidental"?