Just chilling

By Cold - 06/01/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, my room was so cold that I actually had to wear a coat to enter it without feeling extremely uncomfortable. I have insulated curtains for this exact reason, but it looks like that won't do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 454
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

easybree 10

aww get a space heater from Amazon. that’s the only way I survive the winters!

Good luck and Godspeed, comrade, in your battle against your sh***** landlord who let you live in a cardboard box without insulation. Let he freeze in Hel (Norway) if he deigns to postpone the repairs your heating system needs. Oh, you own the house? Well, that's a bit embarrassing, isn't it?


Good luck and Godspeed, comrade, in your battle against your sh***** landlord who let you live in a cardboard box without insulation. Let he freeze in Hel (Norway) if he deigns to postpone the repairs your heating system needs. Oh, you own the house? Well, that's a bit embarrassing, isn't it?

easybree 10

aww get a space heater from Amazon. that’s the only way I survive the winters!

My house sends all the heated/cooled air to the east side of the house and the rooms on the west suffer. We can't afford the hvac work to fix it. So I feel ya! Space heater for your room is the thing to do like others said. be ready for a hot summer too.