It's alive!

By Anonymous - 02/02/2023 00:00 - Germany

Today, I guess my mom didn't clean her toilet before going on vacation. That’s probably why it’s not only dirty, but the dirt has started to grow mould. Spoiler: She's been back from her trip for a while now, the toilet still looks that way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 702
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know it’s your Mothers toilet. But she’s probably done a lot for you in your lifetime. If it bothers you that much then just clean it for her.

Or hire a cleaning crew with Hazmat suits.


I know it’s your Mothers toilet. But she’s probably done a lot for you in your lifetime. If it bothers you that much then just clean it for her.

Or hire a cleaning crew with Hazmat suits.

If she likes her toilet that dirty, you can only imagine what she and your dad get up to. You should probably stop imagining that now.

If you also live there, why don't you clean it?