By Toodamnold - 13/02/2018 09:00 - United States - Fairbanks

Today, I was once again escorted out of a supermarket by a police officer. I must be the only 83-year-old who still has his marbles, but people always assume I am senile and wandering from a care center. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 578
You deserved it 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

My great uncle has the same problem. He's 96 and still drives himself around. His only problem is he's got hearing problems, and he's loud as a result. But people just assume he's a crazy old man and kick him out of places, and call his kids to come get him. It's humiliating for him.


azouwa 26

ha ha ha. that's awesome. sorry.

That’s terrible. Live a long and healthy life only to be harassed by ageists.

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

My great uncle has the same problem. He's 96 and still drives himself around. His only problem is he's got hearing problems, and he's loud as a result. But people just assume he's a crazy old man and kick him out of places, and call his kids to come get him. It's humiliating for him.

My grandpa is also 96--except he's no longer allowed to drive after he had a non-dangerous crash a few years ago. He also has hearing problems, but he's had those for years. Other than that, he's completely aware and awesome!

Did you remember to have a shopping cart with you? Walking around with a look of wonderment like you’re in a museum will raise suspicion!

I don't understand why people assume you've wandered off from a care center just because you're in your eighties.

We're you carrying a grocery bag full of thongs and claimed they belong to your 76 year old girlfriend?

*Were... damn autocorrect and lack of editting.

Okay, maybe maybe I can get the store or someone calling the police. Just to make sure. But WTF are the police doing actually escorting you out for being ...old? Is that actually a crime now? Did they ask you anything to see if you were coherent or just grab you?